Citi began operations in India in 1902 and today is a significant foreign investor in the Indian financial market. Citi has played a leading role in establishing important market intermediaries such as depositories, credit bureau, clearing and payment institutions. The bank operates 45 Citibank branches in 28 cities and is the preferred banker to 45,000 small and mid-sized companies across India.
Citibank India offers a variety of Credit Cards including CB – Savings, CRC - Shop Now, CRC – Valentine, IOC – Fuel, IOC - Save 5%, IOC – Shopping, IOC – Text. This campaign is to generate the leads for CitiBank Credit Cards.
Honest Champions Objective: To generate Leads for CitiBank Credit Cards.
Note:-our pixel will fire when the user fills the registration form on the landing page, post which calling will be done by Citibank and we will be paid for successful card dispatch. The card dispatch report will be shared weekly by agency.
How to Promote: Email Marketing Only
Use this referral link
Get your Credit Card in 4 simple steps️
Necessary information to get you started (PAN and AADHAR)
Personalise your Credit Card
Additional information
Verification & Open Credit Card
Conversion Flow:
1. User fills 10 fields form on landing page.
2. Apply for Credit card & get eligible.
3. Eligible lead is recorded.
4. Each eligible lead will be called for application approval.
5. Approved credit card application will be counted & credited.